ambulance 名詞 <*ambhi 表2>3
=========* 註 *=========
ambulance「救急車」の語源であるフランス語 hôpital ambulant は、字義的には「歩く病院」である。
この「歩く病院」がその初期においてどんなものであったかについて、Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins は以下のように説明している。
Through most of mankind's wars, men injured in battle were allowed to lie where they fell until,
under cover of night, doctors or medical aid men could reach them. During Napoleon's campaigns, medical men devised a quicker means of bringing
help to the wounded ―a light, readily portable, covered litter, fitted out with bandages, tourniquets and other first-aid equipment. This was
called an hopital ambulant, literally a “walking hospital.”