"Daddy-long-legs" (『足長おじさん』) で、 socialist という語が
最初の文は、孤児院出身の主人公 Jerusha Abbott が、ルームメイト Julia の叔父 Jervis Pendelton が、富豪の一族でありながら
I don't think he cares much for his relatives − and I am sure they don't care much for him! Julia's mother
says he's unbalanced. He's a Socialist − except, thank Heaven, he doesn't let his hair grow and
wear red ties. She can't imagine where he picked up his queer ideas; the family have been Church of England for
generations. He throws away his money on every sort of crazy reform, instead of spending it on such sensible
things as yachts and automobiles and polo ponies.
主人公 Jerusha は、自分はプロレタリアートに属するのだから socialist になる資格はあるし、
多分そうなると述べ、どんな種類の「社会主義者」になるかはこれから考えると書きます。(書く相手は、孤児院の評議員で、 Jerusha を
Hooray! I'm a Fabian.
That's a Socialist who willing to wait. We don't want the social revolution to come very tomorrow morning;
it would be too upsetting. We want it to come very gradually in the distant future, when we shall all be
prepared and able to sustain the shock.
In the meantime we must be getting ready, by instituting industrial, educational and orphan asylum reforms.