attainment 名詞  tangere 表1>14

  Insufficient funding was the obstacle to the attainment of their goals. 財源不足が目標達成の支障となっていた。

  Some important persons among those of the highest attainments in various traditional entertainments and crafts are designated as "the individuals who preserve Important Intangible Cultural Assets". They are also called "Living National Treasures". 様々な伝統芸能や 伝統工芸に於いて、最も高度な技能を持つ人々の中の何人かの重要な人たちは、「重要無形文化財保持者」に指定される。彼ら は「人間国宝」とも呼ばれる。

  Nobel Prizes are awarded to several people of remarkable attainments in the seven fields every year. ノーベル賞は毎年七つの 分野で著しい業績をあげた人々に贈られる。