mesmerize 動詞 【ドイツの医学者 Mesmer の名前に由来】 ...を魅了する 例文1 ...を夢中にさせる 例文2 ===========================
1 The audience was mesmerized by her pure and sweet voice.
聴衆は彼女の純粋で甘美な声に魅了された。 TOP
2 "My English grade will be the only obstacle for me to enroll at Tokyo University. I
can't remember all those English words! Is repetition the only way to memorize words?" When a student asked her this question,
she was mesmerized by this problem and started to study about acquisition of word power in English language.
ないんですか。」生徒にこう質問されると、彼女はこの問題にすっかり心を奪われ、英語語彙力の習得について研究を開始した。 TOP