It was a rainy day. I slipped on the wet road and sprained my left ankle. その日は雨降りだった。私は濡れた道で滑って左の
get sprained 挫いた状態になる
The ball hit my right index finger and it got sprained. そのボールが私の右手の人差し指に当たって、突き指になった。
sprained lower back ぎっくり腰
A sprained lower back results from over-stressed and damaged pelvic ligaments.
It can be caused by improper lifting a heavy object up from the floor, for instance. When you lift it improperly, the force exerted on your back
will be several times that of when you lift it properly. ぎっくり腰は、骨盤の靭帯が過度の力を受けて損傷されることによっておこります。例えば、床の上の重いものを不適切なやり方で
You must bend your knees first and grasp the object with both hands, then lift it
straightening the knees, so that you won’t get your lower back sprained. まずひざを曲げて、持ち上げようとする