The ladder has another inner ladder which can be telescoped upwards and can be adjusted to the required height. そのはしごは、中に
By the head-on collision, the first cars of the both trains telescoped each other and other four cars were knocked off the
track. 正面から衝突したために、双方の列車の一両目は互いに飲み込むようになり、他の四両は軌道からたたき出されてしまった。
In that region, they have long winters of five or six months. That is to say the other three seasons are telescoped into the
remaining seven or six months. その地方の冬は長く、五、六ヶ月にもなる。 そのため他の三つの季節は残りの六、七ヶ月に圧縮されること