It is because of the earth's yearly revolution around the sun that the sun appears to move through
the zodiac. 太陽が黄道帯の中を動くように見えるのは、地球の公転のためである。
sign of the zodiac, zodiac sign (黄道十二宮の)星座
"I don't know what sign of the zodiac she was born under, but I'm quite sure
that she was born under a lucky star." 「彼女が何座生まれか知らないけど、幸運の星の下に生まれたことは確かね。」
"I think so, too. I just can't believe she and I are of the same zodiac sign." 「私もそう思うわ。彼女と私が
"Oh? What is your sign?" 「あら、あなた何座なの」